The potential energy benefits of nuclear fission were clearly demonstrated in the devastating bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945. The 'Atoms for Peace' initiative launched by the Eisenhower administration in 1953 opened the way for the peaceful harnessing of nuclear power as the energy resource of the future. The oil crises of the early 1970s accelerated interest in nuclear energy. But nuclear energy has always been treated with suspicion and fear on a popular level, compounded by the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear meltdowns. The Fukushima disaster in 2011 appears to have signaled the end of nuclear fission as a long-term energy source. Germany, Japan and Italy have all announced they will shut down their nuclear fission programs within a decade.

That still leaves nuclear fusion.

Fusion is the process at the core of our sun. What we see as light and feel as heat is the result of a fusion reaction at a distance of 150 million kilometers from our planet. Learning how to harness the power of nuclear fusion will give the world a near limitless, pollution-free, cheap source of energy that would power human development for many centuries to come.

The most significant current nuclear fusion program is the ITER project based in France. In ITER, the fusion reaction will be achieved in a Tokamak device which uses magnetic fields to contain and control the hot plasma.

Yet, despite the hopes and enormous funds invested in ITER, the reality is that it will require many more decades of extremely costly research with no guarantees of success at the end. The head of the UK's Atomic Energy Authority recently predicted that even if the ITER project can deliver a workable generator by 2050, it will still only be producing around 25 percent of the world’s energy needs in 80 years time. In 2010, Georges Charpak, the Nobel Prize-winning French nuclear physicist, was among several scientists who publicly described the ITER project as a catastrophe. Citing the escalating $21 billion cost - three times the original estimate - they called for the entire project to be scrapped.

Despite the doubts over the ITER project, SIRIUS ENERGY believes that nuclear fusion is the remedy for the energy needs of the human race. SIRIUS ENERGY has been working steadily for several years with a team of top research scientists to bring the concept of nuclear fusion to a whole new level of efficiency, affordability and safety.

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